A client focused approach

How we Increased Organic Traffic by 57,000+ in 12 Months

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Quick Summary

Business Type – B2C

Location – Ireland

Website Type – Services/Lead Generation

Service Provided:

  • Website design
  • Full SEO and growth strategy


  • Over 55,000 new visitors
  • Over 2.1 million impressions
  • No1 result for multiple key search terms

The Business

This client is based in the financial services industry.

The Brief

When we first started working alongside this client in 2021, the objective was to grow organic traffic. The client understood the long-term value of an effective SEO strategy and wanted to make it a priority.

Alongside this SEO strategy, it was important to build out the overarching brand identity through the website and social channels.

As we created the website from the beginning for this start-up, it meant we understood the business and the landscape from the get-go.

Optima’s Objective

Our task was to enable the client to gain a foothold in an extremely competitive space. Target specific high-value, high-traffic keywords using a long-term SEO strategy.

Our aim was to continually grow organic traffic over a 12–18-month period.

How we achieved it

It is important to note that any SEO strategy should never be short-term or a quick-fix solution. Anyone embarking on an SEO strategy must understand its value and is willing to play the long game.

Delayed gratification must be accepted.

However, if SEO is done correctly, it has the potential to bring huge value and growth to your business.

The Strategy

With any SEO work we do, we have a framework and checklist we utilise. This checklist has been developed over time and enables us to put a clear roadmap in place.

For this case study example, we’ll leave out the behind-the-scenes boring stuff and highlight a couple of key areas we focused on.

These are often the building blocks of a successful SEO strategy.

Keyword targeting

The process of keyword research is vital. It allows you to identify keywords or phrases relevant to the product or service you’re offering.

However, some keywords may not be obvious immediately. Proper keyword research will determine which are best for your business to target.

In this case, we identified a list of keywords and put plans in place to target each.


The old saying ‘Content is King’ is particularly appropriate here.

If you want organic search visibility, high rankings, and traffic, you have to commit to creating content optimized for SEO.

Being top of the search rankings can be invaluable for many businesses. However, you must be willing to put the work in to get there. Creating unique content is a pillar of any good SEO strategy.

We created content that educated and guided users coming on to the website. No waffle, just helpful content in an easy-to-digest manner.


Consistently producing high-value content is one of the most important aspects of a successful SEO strategy.

It also requires patience as it will likely be weeks or months until you begin to see results.

However, it is vital you stick to the strategy and keep producing content your client base will find valuable.

In this case, we sat with the client and built out a strategy. From here we worked over the long term to hit these goals.

Over time, the traffic across the website gradually increased and we began to reap the rewards of our hard work.

A good quote to keep in mind when doing SEO is “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out”

The Results

This SEO strategy was hugely successful. We essentially crew this website from zero to over 57,000 unique visitors in a calendar year.

I think it’s fair to say that any new business would be delighted to have this amount of free eyeballs on their website.

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At Optima Digital, we provide FREE actionable marketing advice.

Our team will review your online strategies and send you on a 10-minute video with actions.

If you feel you may need a new website, we can help you there too. This may not always be needed.

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